aku dah bosan hidup macam ni
hari2 makan, tido, pegi 1-2 kelas pastu balik
my life isnt busy like i've used to be
kalau hari2 camni bole jadi malas
I miss my old self
the one that always going to the library,
always with the books,
always sitting at the quiet place,
always with her mp3
always forgot to silent her phone hehehe
always singing syok sendiri lalalallalalaalala
and always sleep with book-pillow hahaha
Rindunye diri aku yg dulu..
slalu struggle smpai sakit kepala
slalu buat study group
ajar org lain smpai pening-pening
yg slalu focus nk exam
tanpa peduli org lain
yg selalu melalak nak balik umah
study sampai rambut jadi putih
yg selalu lapar mlm2...
yg paling best skali,
xonline fb sebulan!!
itulah pencapaian yg aku sgt2 banggakan dlm usaha menahan nafsu hahaha!!
1 thing i learnt in the past,
if you strive for something,
nothing could stop you!!
i really had had a good time during study week
of course the pressure was strained
but, this is the life i want..being here in the university
tapi, kalau dh busy sgt teringin plak free time
tp dh dpt free time tu x best jugak
so kene 50-50 la..hehehe
tempat ni la yg slalu aku study...sunyi dan terpencil dari org len
kt sini aku nk tido xde sape nk tgk
yg paling best kalau tgh nyanyi tu ramai org xley detect dari mane suara ghaib tu
Buku-buku yg byk berjasa...
buku rebutan budak2 vet... the only 1 in the library. buku ni byk berjasa kt aku
red tagged: buku ni x bole pinjam..reference use
slalu gak budak2 vet sorok menyorok buku ni
especially time buat lab report anatomy
sampai sorok kat business shelf
x ke pelik kalu budak2 business tu terjmpe??
teruk benor budak2 vet ni
aku pon same gak menyorok ^^
buku ni slalu kt tgn aku
kalau ade bekas pencil conteng2 tu harap maklum la tu scribble aku
bukan aku scribbled ape2..tujuan belajar gak
sayang aku kt buku ni..
harga dia?
RM300 keatas..
mak aiii jawabnye kene copy la buku ni
buku veterinary anatomy yg tebal giler
harga RM 1000 keatas (im not joking!!)
susah aku nk paham english buku nih
all the terms susah nk mampos
guna buku ni kalau nk tgk gmba je..
description haram nk paham
nasib baik ada notes prof OM..paham la jugak
buku ni ade 2-3 copy
ade yg bole pnjam, ade yg xley pnjam
biasenye org yg pinjam buku ni during study week je..hehehe
tapi buku ni bagus sebab gmba yg dia bg sgt2 detail
love this book too!!
gambaran jelas betapa sibuknye kami
ps: photo was taken during nutrition test
tp skang ni aku rasa bosan plak x byk kelas...
sem 3 ni...sejarah dgn bi je blajar..
sehari 2 jam kelas
bosan cmni
bole jadi malas aku ni
apa-apa pun..aku rindukan suasana itu dulu...
terima kasih buat rakan-rakan yg membimbing aku ke jalan yg baik, semoga kita tabah menghadapi apa jua halangan, semoga friendship kita kekal selama-lamanya..
ps: result dh nk kuar, debaran kian terasa, semoga Allah kurniakan yg terbaik buat aku, kawan2 aku, dan semoga hati ini tenang menerimanya...
"The worse is not yet to come"