cabaran seorang bakal vet

hmm..hehehhe salam wbt.

Ok, back to reality. Aku officially dh 2 minggu kt Pusat Ternakan Haiwan Ulu Lepar yg sgt2 best. I think I'm being spoil brat la kat sini. Sume org baik dgn aku/kami. Tapi yg paling xbest kt sini is kene naik tgga yg x same saiz sebanyk (79) i repeat 79!!!!!!!!!!! giler arrr.... mcm naik Batu Caves huhuhu tp disebabkan kami sgt2 dimanjakan, setiap kali balik dari ladang mesti ada staff2 yg tolong hantarkan balik umah naik lori, tractor, jeep dan sebagainya...huhuhu. Macam2 kenderaan yg aku dh naik..kapal selam je yg belom kot..heee

A lil' bit of introduction about my practical farm

main entrance

view from top..

view from the farm..nice :)

our house..

stok makanan selama 4 minggu (kononnye)
tp second week dh abis hehe

pembahagian tugas..guess which group I am?? hehe

lembu2 beratur hahha comel

anak2 lembu (calves) nelore..they're cute but notty
susah taw nk handle budak2 ni

girls of Ulu Lepar.
our first pose
xdilupakan cameragirl
si lot hehehe

climbing up the stairs..
79 steps!!!!!!!!!
kurus la kalau naik turun tangga ni hri2

I learn how to drive a tractor!! that's the most interesting part here

im driving a tractor!!

our supervisor..Dr Wan Zarina.
she's a real lady vet

inside the jeep. I couldn't tahan that chemical smell

repairing the gate that was hit by bulls

treating wound

treating maggot wound...sakit rawrr

vaccine and medicine. see the needles, quite scary

this is how we handle the cows one by one.
head crust

makan makan


buat silage (rumput jeram)
himpap bagi penyek

hahaha PROBONO!!

atas tractor huhu

ni nak ambil sampel rumput ke sampel org??

actually byk lagi gmba2 kami disini..cukup la sekadar pengenalan terhadap kerja2 ladang disini. 1 thing i learnt here is to foster a patience value. Working with animals is somehow hard because we dont speak their language and to handle them need a high level of patience. Kadang2 geram gak kat lembu2 ni yg susah nk ikut ape yg kita suruh dia buat and somehow kalau dia dah mengamuk and kicking memang susah nk cool kan balik. Kesabaran itu perlu dalam menangani pelbagai situasi dan biarlah pendidikan haiwan ini dpt menaikkan tahap sabar aku. Aku pernah hampir kene tendang time bagi sekor bull ni vaksin. Salah aku gak cucuk kuat2 pastu sampai bengkok jarum tu.hehehe.xpela, first experiaence tu..bile lagi kan? Hopefully dgn cara mcm ni aku dpt belajar to be a better vet in the future. :)

I'll catch up with more updates later..dak dok pendalaman ni susah nk online laju2.Nak upload gamba pon mcm tunggu kucing bertanduk je.haha

"we strive to be excellence!!"

OMG, minggu depan dah abis LI...
kejap je rasenye huhuhu.
rase byk lg ilmu psl ladang dan pengurusan haiwan yg xtaw
assignments and assignments!!
xabis2 mengganggu masa lapang aku

sengal la cik meducci ni..
bukan ko suke sgt ke dgn busy life??

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