Mencari turning point

Life is like a graph. It'll have soar, slump, stagnate, surge, plummet and all. No one knows how his/her graph will be look like. Allah knows it all. There are 2 general movements in the life graph; Up and Down.

1. Up

When you're up, you feel like as if you own the world. You have friends around your belt crying for your attention. You too enjoy the company. Most of all, the sun always shimmering down its light to you. You will enjoy living as if the day will last forever.

You can say everything you like, everything that was crossed on your mind. Sometimes you gave sermon to people, give them motivation to make them listen to you. Listen..and listen. And they worship your words.Gloryness is what you got.

Up is also associated with love. I remember the song " When you love someone" by Bryan Adams.

When you love someone,
You'll do anything,
You'll do all the crazy things, that you can't explain
You shoot the moon, put out the sun

When you love someone,
You'll deny the truth,
Believe a lie,
There'll be times that you believe, you can really fly

When you love someone,
You sacrifice,
Giving everything you got,
and you wont think twice
You'd risk it all
No matter what may come,
When you love someone...

Memang betul, once kene cupid terus bole jadi gila. Tapi once hurt, you'll end up in HELL!

2. Down

When you're down, you wont feel the tenderness. You'll feel like as if the world is your biggest enemy. Orang sekeliling pun ko rase mcm benci dengan ko. The evil is pursuing it's role. Your head keep thinking the problems. You start to grow the feeling of hatred and vendetta in your heart. You polish it to become black.

When you're down, you are scared to say even a SINGLE word. Cos you might offend to some people. Silent is your company, when your friends are leaving.

Tears replacing your laugh

Your world is pitch black.

Love becomes your enemy. You dont need it. It'll add more scar in your bleeding heart and soul.
What you need is a true friend
to make you stand
to wipe your tears
to ease the pain

That's the huge different between up and down


Nape la dlm dunia ni kan..xde org suke hidup sedih. sume nak gembira je. xnak ade masalah.
mmg x bole dinafikan, yg kite sume ni nk gmbira je. Aku pon. but

Happy ending never last forever.

setiap apa yang diaturkan oleh Allah ada baik buruknya. Bila kita gembira, kita akan sentiasa bersyukur ke atasnya. Tetapi kegembiraan akan bertahan hanya seketika sbb adakalanya kesusahan datang sebab Allah nak uji umatnya. Apabila kesedihan menimpa, kita akan sentiasa muhasabah diri, dan baiki kelemahan yang ada dan berusaha menjadi yang lebih terbaik.

Jangan anggap kesusahan yang kita dapat ni tanda bencana, tp anggapla ianya kurnia daripada Allah untuk kita sama-sama renungkan. Berdoa dan bertawakalah sentiasa agar diringankan segala kesusahan itu.

Yang gembira pula jgn cepat tabik dada. Kegembiaraan xakan tahan lama. Ni bukan bermaksud kita xbole bersuka ria tp mesti ada hadnya. Kita perlu sentiasa bersedia yang ada kalanya, kesedihan pasti jua menemukan kita.

eg; perpisahan

I borrow this quote from someone..

" Perpisahan yg kita terima itu, akan menemukan kita dengan mereka yang lebih baik..."

Jadi, setiap kesusahan itu merupakan batu loncatan terhadap kurnian Allah yang lagi hebat dan bakal ditemukan jika kita mampu menepis segala cubaan dan godaan Syaitan yg sentiasa menyesatkan umat Nabi Muhammad swa...

Kurniaan itu akan diberikan jika kita menjaga hubungan baik dgn Allah, sesama manusia serta alam. serta jika kita mampu menunaikan suruhan dan meninggalkan larangannya...

senang je ckp kan?
nak amalkan memang susah

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