kenaPa dgn aKu ni?? tolong!!
past 2 days ago.... i was pissy, moody, b*tchy!!!
aku xtau kenapa
as far as i know,
blame it on estrogen!!!
i dunno kenapa bole stressed up like this??
yg pasti, rocky emotional ni berlaku lepas dapat tau result anatomy
plus brainwashed by prof OM....
his word cuts like a knife
pain again, but i managed to lit a smile
pretending everything's gonna be alright
balik kelas petang tu ok lagi
but, after solat maghrib
perasaan aku rase tak menentu
i felt terribly lost
mungkinkah Allah hukum aku dgn result cmni??
tears streaming down on my cheeks
aku sujud, minta ampun pada Dia
mungkin Allah nak aku rajin study lagi?
or....adakah ini pembalasan kpd dosa2 aku yg lampau??
entah la...hikmah tu aku kena cari...
owhhhhhh lagi 2 mggu je final!!! pereparation??? 10% je
i wasnt feeling well
i got a fever, cough, flu
stuffy nose
sore throat
dh la rumate buat bising dgn kawan2
ganggu ibadah aku..
please lower down ur voice...
korang tmbahkan lagi sakit hati aku
xsedar2 aku nangis psl korang buat cmtu
i respect whatsoever things ur doing
why cant u respect mine??
u might as well throwing the oil to a burning fire
sabar Aina, sabar...mengucap byk2
in the library
it was damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn noisy
aku duduk kejap kt library tu, doing my work with my group
then, i leave...xtahan sejuk + bising + fever + rasa x tenang
suddenly rasa lapar...aku xmakan sejak 10 pg
ajak asma, que, akmal makan kt kopitiam
i needed soup..
balik lepas makan, masuk kampus
tambah sakit hati tgk couple2 merata2
rasa nk menyumpah je
mcm2 tempat dorang ade
tempat letak basikal, pdg futsal, atas stage, depan blok 7, blok 2, blok 6, blok 1, blok 3
kalu asrama perempuan bole masuk, agaknye kt situ pon tmpat dorang dating gak vice versa
sakit mata aku!! xde tempat lain ke korang nk berdating?????
tiap2 mlm mcm ni!
balik bilik, memang xde mood
ntah ape aku membebel kt rumate aku pon xtaw
sedar2 aku dh tertido
bajet xnk pegi kelas besok sbb demam
tp, aku pegi jugak
kuat la Intan!!, fever wont harm that much!!
im sorry siti, puven, lai....u guys tahan with me
study group lightened my day..
dh la korang buat aku muntah..adoiiii hahaha
my mood was slightly better
until this morning..memang hilang mood
i didnt speak to anyone...
org sebelah pon x jugak
i pissed off with someone!! xpatut dia buat cmtu!!
1 hari ni la pecah record , aku diam dlm kelas
my cough getting bad, flu as well
+ final exam!!!! bertambah emo hari ni
tension tension tension!!
i just need someone to make my day....will you?? :)
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Negative and Jealousy....
Hari tu, aku terjumpe Dr Azam lepas kelas BI..he offered us (aku, akmal, kak yus and hezry) a coffee break kt Wow KOPITIAM... we sat there, order ourself a drink and do some talking...basically more to education and all his philosophy talk....bla bla bla.... and suddenly




" Intan, i observed you are a person full of negative, sikit2 ckp "susah doctor", and pantang dicabar...bla bla bla "
I was like what????
ok, aku kene ngaku, memang aku ni negative skit, tapi xla sume perkara aku negative.. negative ni sebab aku ni jenis yg agak "berhati-hati" dlm sume perkara... example..
" kalau jadi camni, kita nk buat cmne????"
" abis la kalu dia buat cmtu"
aku suka pikir ape yg akan terjadi walaupun bende tu jadi lagi
yg bagusnye fikiran negative ni...aku akan lebih berhati2..previous experience has taught me to act this way...walaupon aku tau bende ni x elok sgt, mcm ckp dr azam..but i'll try to overcome my negative thoughts from time to time... xbole ubah terus menerus kan3??
tapi, truthfully is...malu la kene tegur mcm tu depan....bdak2 ni... mcm sesi kaunseling, kita dgn si kaunselor tu la... xperlu libat kan org xpe la...nk buat cmne..bukan dgn org lain pon..classmte je.hahahhaa..


english presentation...syakira present psl rahsia disebalik tarikh lahir dan warna..aku dpt kaler putih... description...putih melambangkan personality yg mempunyai determination yg tinggi serta aim high...satu lagi, putih ni melambangkan personality kuat cembuat...get jealous easily..yg ni aku mcm nk setuju je.... aku ni kuat cemburu ke?? asma ckp renungan mata aku tajam....pandangan cemburu... seterusnya, diakui oleh Chia! arghhHH!! do my eyes reflex my behavior???

aku kuat cemburu only at certain circumstances je..
1. Kalu org tu dapat lebih dari yg aku ckp...biasenye in terms of academic la...
2. kalu org yg aku suke tu...pergi keluar dgn org lain ..wawawawa ni dh aku cepat sedar
3. Org yg ada flocks masing2... (clique)
sifat cemburu aku memang susah nk ubah, tp time will heal
kalau 3 perkara ni berlaku dlm tempoh masa yg lama, aku akan jadi kebal...jealousy level will decrease parasympathethicly..
x baik tau simpan lama2
nnti makan diri..
macam kawan aku sorang ni...
aku takut Allah murka kalau org tu x buat salah ape2 kt aku
tapi aku cemburu-----> benci!!!
aku xpatut benci org tu, kalu dia x pernah buat pape kt aku
aku akan rasa diri ni jahat!!
i've tried hard enough to ban this mischief feeling...
Ya Allah, tolong!!!
aku xnak jadi org yg dimurkai!!
I dont wanna wear masquerade!!
I wanna be my ownself
stop pretending!!....that's the best way...

at least aku xde la jealous mcm budak2 ni...hehhehehe
Ps: Jangan jealous dengan aku! bersyukurlah apa yg Tuhan kurniakan dengan kelebihan masing2..kelebihan VS kelemahan..sume org ada 2 perkara ni.. hihihi :)
tapi...kalau xde perasaan cemburu, hidup ni xkan sempurna...betul x??
Di sudut hati..
he's right...langit x selalunya cerah, hidup x selalunya indah
each person has his/her own predicament...
masalah aku, masalah org
lebih baik fikir masalah sendiri
rather than interfere other ppl problems..
i prefer to keep it alone, in my heart..
only Allah knows deep inside
if its unbearable,
tears be my company
i cry in my heart,
i cant tell ppl how i feel!!
but somehow, i need to blow it out
i need someone's shoulder to cry on
i need someone to stand me up
aku perlukan kata2 hikmah dan semangat
that's what a friend for
kadang2 aku pn salah
pentingkan diri sendiri
without care the others...
ppl often hurt by my actions...
alpa...kejar perasaan sendiri
at the end, aku sendiri yg rugi
to whom it may concern,
another word from me..
I'm sorry...
when my world turned upside down
i was alone, in the land of ignorance
masa tu baru tau, pentingnya kamu semua
i..... missed the past!
we used to hold hands together
not anymore
we stared in the eye of awkwardness
who made the fire start?
it doesnt matter anymore
as long as i live, aku rindu KAMU
when the sun rise again,
i could see the the other side
the feeling of tormented is starting to fade away
the feeling of happiness is finally surrounds the cloud
the wound in the heart is slowly heal
but it keeps bleeding each time i recalled the history...
in the hour of darkness,
a knight came and rescue me from keep falling
dia hulur tgn, gengam erat..
took me in the journey
that teaches me the real meaning of friendship
"Aina, dont be afraid, no.."
bila semua tu berakhir,
aku syukur kepadaMu
beri peluang sekali lagi untuk mencuba
i might lose something that valuable in my life
but You gave me something else,
endowed friends,
to continue to live with
this time, i may not repeat the same mistake
i dont want to lose them,
aku sayang dgn mereka..
they are my rainbow,
swirling my hazy skies...
silhouette of the broken lights..
now, i am shower in the night full of stars,
tp aku takut tak kekal lama
for there is always obstacles waiting
i wonder if i can get it through??
i am a fighter, yet still bounding the battlefield
there's no way out...
fight fight fight!!
those experience grew me stronger
aku perempuan yg sensitive di hati
once triggered, keras mcm diamond
i will not letting myself fall this time..
kepada kamu,
thanks for coloring my days
i cherished every seconds we were together
Allah temukan kita dari pelbagai tempat
sealed our hearts to become 1
Aku bersyukur kepadaMu
harap2, ia berkekalan sehingga hayat ini berakhir...
cuti cuti lagi
Setiu, Besut, Terengganu...
kali ni kt rumah setiu, tganu!! aku, paan,akmal,hezry dan kak ayu perancang utama percutian ini mula2 kami ke lata belangkah mandi air terjun...yg x bestnye, aku Alhamdulillah, Allah nk panjangkan umur aku lagi, kalau x, xdptla aku update post blog ni...Perjalanan kami diberkati Allah, dimana xde kejadian yg tidak diingini berlaku.. Syukur, Alhamdulillah :)
belajar cara hidupkan api...

I roosted this chicken!!
tahniah Aina!! :)
lepas pegi tembakah, kami pegi ke La Hotspring..tmpat tu ramai org pastu memang air dia panas nak mampus! aku letak kaki x smpai 5 saat dah angkat lain yg berejam- jam rendam tu rilex je..kami abiskan masa about 2 hours sebelum balik umah kak ayu

panas kaki rendam kt sini
kat umah kak ayu, aku belajar memasak....aku perap ayam goreng and goreng kobis...sedap gak la..sup cendawan ayam kak ayu marvellous!.besok tu, kami g pantai Rhu 10 terletak 15 min dari umah kak ayu...dorang g mandi laut...aku x mandi..jalan sorang2 smbil dengar MP3 (syokk!!)...sedar x sedar, jauh giler aku jalan tepi laut tu sampai kak ayu paggil pon x nmpak..hhihihii ;D
main di laut...
tgah hari tu, kami ke pasar pagi..xbyk bende aku beli..sikit2 je..same jugak, aku jalan sorang (kene tinggal) salah aku gak, leka tgk brang smpai dorang jalan kt mane pon, dh xtaw,..balik tu, mak kak ayu masak kari..sedap taw.. teringat2 smpai skng!
ps: thanks to Kak Ayu and Family and adorable nephews!!
on the way balik umk, singgah pergi umah afiq kat besut. Sebelum tu, dia bwk kami ke Pantai Bukit Kluang..pantai tu sgt2 cantik!! bukit tu merupakan dasar laut ribuan tahun dulu...bole nmpak byk shell melekat2 kt dinding bukit tu....hanya bergambar je..nk mandi xbole..hahaha..pastu pegi umah afiq.Umah dia best giler, sebelah laut..pastu byk lembu!! tu yg best tu! hahahahaha....memnag natural betol!

siput2 tinggalan...

smart gamba ni..
enjoying the moment....
saya BEBAS!!!
credits to cameraman..
aina meducci likes this
yes, i ♥ you
lembu putih yg besar dan ganas!! hohoho
the sun is starting to fade away,,,
entah ape yg dorang borak2 ni??
the sunset...
Holidays! vroom vroom!!
nk dekat sebulan x update blog ni...busy la katakan...ade byk cite nk tulis kt sini tp aku kene buat summary je...penat taw taip ni!!
on 25 jan-27 jan 2010, aku pegi kuala Gandah dgn classmate giler kut!! mcm2 aktiviti kami buat main dgn deer, gajah, pastu pegi buat aktiviti lasak yg xbole dilupakan smpai bila2!!
masa di institut biodiversity tu byk mengajar aku semangat berpasukan dan yg paling penting menghargai alam..yg paling best mase tu jalan smbil tutup mata lalu dlm hutan..aku terhantuk berapa kali tah..adeihhh..baru aku sedar betapa pentingnya mata dlm hidup kita..organ unik diciptakan Allah ni sgt berharga, hilang penglihatan hilang la satu nikmat kt dunia ni..
beratur tunggu makan

kenangan di DEERLAND...
SUNBEAR lalallalalalalala
comel dan busyukkk!!! :)
rotate-kan kepala anda..weeehoooo
ratu phyton!

mcm geng penyiasat plak
huhuhu :)
tak sangka aku mandi dgn gajah!! besttt!! rugi sape x mandi skali!
aktivis GAJAH!!
takut gila naik gajah ni...terjerit2 blakang org tu!!
hahahaha :D
JUMAAT : awal februari..
arini aku pegi rantau panjang bersme2 dgn paan, akmal, asma, luqman, shud, rehan dgn hezry!! memang panjang jugak perjalanan dari sini..pegi dgn 2 kereta..dua2 kancil. 1 tu luqman bwk, 1 lg akmal bwk..bertolak pkul 10 smpai dlm pkul 12 lebih..smpai sana isi perut dulu pastu ke rumah pak cik hezry..baik gler family pak cik hezry tu..the boys set for friday prayer and me and asma just sitting around, chatting and solat zohor la...lepas tu kami sambung shopping kt rantau panjang!! byk gak duit habis.. huhuhu syokkkkk...Alhamdulillah, semuanya selamat pergi balik..

ni pose je...beli belum lagi :D

isi perut sebelum shopping!!
masjid yg disangka tokong,,, hehehehe
pit stop solat asar!

wah wah wah XD
DINNER AT favorite moment!!
Luqman mempengerusikan majlis mkn malam kami :)
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