.:seikhlas hati:.

Today, 19th January 2010

I was assigned to take donation around Pengkalan Chepa area for our trip to elephant sanctuary, Kuala Gandah. There were 6 of us. Me, Mira, Farah, Que, Yanti, Ain. I was the head of our group.
After Zohor, we started to walk around shops in UMK. i was hesitate at first because i never actually asking people for money (except my parents). this was my first.

sebelum ni, aku selalu tgk org mintak donation. mcm2 kes aku nmpak. minta derma untuk bangunkan masjid, untuk anak2 yatim dan mcm2 lagi. sebenarnya, kalau org dtg mintak kt aku, i simply look away or menyorok belakang abah..hehehehehe. not because i dont want to donate tp kalau aku donate aku takut mcm sikit sgt (rm2 sikit ke??-sebab aku ni bukannye berduit pon..hahaha)..mesti dorang expecting more kan?? tp bagi jugak sebab mereka x tetapkan jumlah berapa nk derma..and now, aku sendiri rasa mcm mana susahnya nk convince kan org supaya menderma kt kita..

ciri-ciri seorang peminta derma yg bijak meyakinkan orang
  1. Penampilan yg bersih, ceria
  2. Penyampaian yg menarik, informative, suara yg sedap "audible"
  3. Senyum semasa meminta derma
  4. Ucapan terima kasih walaupon x dpt derma
  5. Berani menebalkan yg penting :)
  6. Lembut dan tidak memaksa
ciri-ciri ni aku rase sgt diperlukan untuk menjadi seorang penderma yg bagus. I learnt this trough my experience hari ni! hahahaha..

our first donor was pak cik kt kedai photostat depan umk..mula2 segan nk approch pak cik ni sbb dia busy angkat barang..pastu aku dgn que beranikan diri tegur pakcik tu.que yg mula2 introduce kan diri ckp 3 benda ni

vet student umk
nak pegi kuala gandah
derma untuk gajah (welfare)

Alhamdulillah, pakcik tu hulur RM10. lepas tu, kami sgt berkobar2 untuk minta derma disetiap kedai di pengkalan chepa ni. we walked in every shop asking for donation and alhamdulillah, the ppl reponse very well.ada yg bg byk, dan ada xbg xpelah sebab derma tu kan ikhlas?? walaupun kecewa sikit tp inilah pengalaman berharga dpt kami pelajari hari ni.. ^^

sepanjang perjalanan kutip derma ni, mcm2 ekspresi muka yg aku bole nmpak dan agak..ade orang yg memang sudi memberi, ade yang mcm teragak2 nk bagi tp bagi jugak sebab kami ramai dan ada yg muka memang xnak bagi..masa ni la aku rase betapa ragam org ni pelbagai2.
kita bole melihat keihklasan seseorang itu melalui riak wajah mereka. ikhlas yg aku maksudkan ialah ikhlas yg untuk menderma..dari raut wajah, senyuman dan gerak badan, aku tau bagaimana keihklasan mereka untuk membantu misi kami. ada juga ikhlas yg dibuat2, tp itu no comment, sebab kita xtau ape yg berada di dlm hati org itu kecuali Allah wst...kita hanya mampu meneka sahaja..sifat ikhlas ini merupakan sifat mahmudah, dan sgt disukai oleh Allah swt. derma yg ikhlas ialah derma yg diangkat pahala disisi Allah dan insyaAllah Dia akan memberikan rezeki yg murah kpd hambanya yg iklhas yg bersedekah ini, hartanya tidak akan habis malah, sentiasa bertambah2..ada byk bukti yg aku saksikan betapa baiknya amalan bersedekah ni..malah pernah alaminya sendiri!! Ya Allah, jadikan aku seorang mukmin yg rajin bersedekah seikhlas hati di jalanMu Ya Allah dan berikan rezeki yg byk lagi halal kepada aku serta berikanlah kejayaan dlm hidupku ini.... AMIN...

aku rase sgt rendah diri bila kutip derma ni, malu pon ada jugak sebab selama ni aku x pernah nk meminta wang orng lain except my parents. pengalaman ni byk ajar aku rase grounded dgn apa yg aku ade..or other words bersyukur dgn hidup aku sendiri..masa meminta itu aku rase dorang memiliki lebih drpd ape yg aku ade w/pun aku tau aku mungkin lebih daripada mereka.maybe sebab mereka mempunyai kuasa untuk memberi derma drpd kami yg minta..sebab tu rase mcm tu kut..entah la..apa2 pun aku sukakan pengalaman berharga seperti ini, mengajar aku lebih berani (w/pun kena menebalkan muka) untuk menjayakan sesuatu di masa hadapan!!

lepas 1 petang wandering PC ni, kami dpt donation lebih kurang RM200..alhamulillah.. segala penat lelah kami berbalas jugak la..huhuhu dpt pahala la jugak tolong gajah2 ni..mereka makhluk HAIWAN yg perlu diberi perhatian!! hehehehe :)


u guys r super COOL!!

salah satu impian sedekah aku ialah bersedekah di Tanah suci Mekah dan Madinah..Aku merupakan salah seorang manusia yg bertuah sebb dpt kesana..salah satu keajaiban yg aku dpt rasakan ialah apabila doa2 ku dimakbulkan. doa pertama semasa aku di sana adalah untuk menjadi seorng veterinar yg berjaya..dlm hati terdapat sikit keraguan.."boleh ke aku dpt kos vet ni???" terbukti 2 tahun lepas tu, aku diterima masuk UMK faculty of veterinary medicine..terima kasih Ya Allah!! :) jikalau aku diberikan peluang untuk ke sana lagi, insyaAllah..aku akan sujud syukur dihadapan rumahMu, bersedekah kpd fakir miskin disana..sesungguhnya syukur ku ini x terbilang dgn kata2, hanya kepadaMu saja tempat ku meluahkannya..skang ni kene focus dgn study!! because i have choose this road, and i have to go to my destination..i'll be there someday :)

org yg aku paling nk bersedekah ialah kanak-kanak dan yg handicapped..kesian..rase tenang hati bile mereka senyum ckp thank you lepas kita dah bersedekah..mereka xtaw pape, kecik2 kene pandai meminta..earn something for living..xpegi sekola,xtaw pape psl kehidupan yg penuh dgn mischieve..ntah la..labor child dimana2 sahaja..kecik2 kene keje 10 jam..nasib baik aku lahir kt parents is the best gift that Allah ever gave me.. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MA AND ABAH!!

How I wish to get this adorable child :)

Ps: Rasullullah pernah bersabda sesungguhnya sedekah yg paling baik ialah sedekahkan harta yang kita paling sayang....



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Watch me Shine!

Aku selalu bertanye diri sendiri..aku ni kuat ke?? yelah people judged me on the surface...tapi xpernah nak judge dalam2..only true friends can judge me, internally...aku ni kuat?? lemah?? mungkin 50-50 daripadanya..aku memang kalah dari segi emosi, aku dilahirkan sangat sensitive..i often gets hurt by words, actions, anything that makes me uneasy..itulah aku...

1 question..
kenape org lebih mudah marah dengan aku??
Aku susah nak marah dgn orang..i just keep it to myself if i get offended

kadang2, aku silap juga..cakap tidak bertapis..orang pon banyak terasa dgn ape yg aku ckp, pastu kecik hati..sometimes its hard for me to realise that..sbb aku rase ape yg aku ckp tu hanya gurauan and no offense!! kdg2 aku main2 je ape yg aku ckp, tp ade gak yg buat org GERAM. pastu marah kat aku..aku pon rase terkilan2 giler and shut myself down..tears again.. usually, i text a msg saying sorry or just directly see the person to accept my apology... and the sun rise again :)

my actions..kadang2 iritates jugak. aku selalu ckp nak menang..yg ni biasenye dlm family tp dh terbawa kat luar..aku ske ckp bende yg aku suke walaupon aku tau dorang x suke.masalah gak mcm xley stop plak habit ni..somehow must stop demi x menyakitkan hati orang...

Aku cume nk org tau, aku ni kuat!! walaupun selalu nagis, tp tangisan itu menjadikan aku lebih kuat untuk menghadapi mcm2 willing to fight!! and i believe experience is the best teacher. Aku bersedia untuk segalanya!! Watch me shine!

I'm not your average type of girl
I'm gonna show the world the strength in me
That sometimes they can't see
I'm about to switch my style
And soon things may get wild
But I will prove I can conquer anything
So from my head to toe I'm taking full control
I'll make it on my own this time

Get ready here I come
Until the job is done
No time to waste
There's nothing stopping me
But you don't hear me though
So now it's time to show
I'll prove I'm gonna be the best I can be
So from my head to toe
My mind body and soul
I'm taking full control this time

Better watch out
Going for the knockout
And I won't stop
Till I'm on top now
Not gonna give up
Until I get what's mine
Better check that I'm about to upset
And I'm hot now
So you better step back
I'm taking over so watch me shine

Bet you don't think I can take it
But my mind and body are strong
Bet you don't think I can make it
It won't take long
Bet you don't think I can take it
But my mind and body are strong
Bet you don't think I can make it
It won't take long
Now watch me shine...

Watch me!!


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University Malaysia Kelantan

On 28th july 2009, officially, aku dh jadi pelajar universiti!! the age of 18, byk pengalaman yg aku tempuhi untuk capai ke menara gading macm ni... the details of my university..

Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
Bachelor Of Veterinary Medicine
Pioneer of vet
5 years course (2009-2014)
Located in Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan

I'm taking Veterinary profession course, the one I have been dreaming since I was a little girl, and I like it very much...its like a dream come true :) . Still remember, I was screaming my head off when i got this, and the most proud.... My Parents.. Actually, I want the vet course in UPM serdang because it is much nearer compare to Kelantan but whatever still the same, the only differences is UMK has just started their Veterinary faculty compared Vet faculty in UPM.

Thanks To Allah, I am finally found my path :)

the journey to Kelantan by car takes about 7 hours. My dad drove all the way up from KL to Kota Bharu, Kelantan with my mum. I pity him, really..he has his ligament torn in his knee a month before and he had to sit in the chair to perform solat and driving is more atrocious!!! He never complains, yet still strong enough to drive us 3 to UMK.. We reached Kelantan in the evening and omg, im bloody dad?? not a word..

we took a moment to look around UMK, and i found it very small UNIVERSITY compared to others i had been on..( i mean on my flying visit those old days). To be honest, i was scared at first, because this is my 2nd to Kelantan and i had know nobody here and i dont recognize this place..I still remember, it was saturday evening and they had this pasar malam and i came across a bunch of schoolkids that i thought to be UMK students. They are wearing some special uniform and the girls are wearing tudung labuh . I was..omg, do i need to dress like this?? My mum also thinks the same. She approached the kids and ask "adik ni student umk ke??" they looked like surprise and go "xlah mak cik, kami ni sekolah kt sini je...student u xpyh pakai mcm ni..bebas je"


We went to stay in hotel and I found this guy that i also thought to be a UMK student. He was just arrived from Penang (i see his plate nmber on his parents car) i whispered to my dad "Abah, budak ni pon masuk UMK...dia ambik kos ape eh??"

He is Hezry Haizad
A vet student. My future classmate.
(I met him during our 1st meeting session with our dean)

The next day (sunday), we went to UMK for my registration. My cars, many ppl, and very hot. I walk around UMK and see the interrior of UMK...all i kept thinking was can i survive here??? The registration took me about half an hour and my first glimpse of a vet student was Mohd Farhan Haniff... (of course i dont know his name that time hehe) He sat next to me in the photograph session and when I done with photograph session I heard he took a place after me and the photographer said " nate lagi..." My head quickly turn around and my eyes caught on him.. I go " la bakal classmate aku..." I was given hostel no of B7.GF.06 and i met with my roomates.. they are Siti Umaira Rosli (from Pahang), Puventhiny (from Perak) and Lai Zee Yun (from Sabah)..we are 1 malaysia room!! they are nice down to earth..huhuhu :)

my mum during regestration day..

my first day..minggu 3M

Minggu Mesra Mahasiswa 3M UMK

I hate 3M!! since its first day!! Heartache >.<'' this is somehow like orientation week and those facilitators denied it. They kept saying 3M is different from orientation which was completely FRAUD!! But most my friends said this 3M is much more relax compared to other IPTA's. I dont know about that because I have never been to any big orientation like this...not even in matriculation..this was my first.

I met with other vets. I still remember, the first vet girl who be my friend during 3M was Rean and we're still close till now.. ^^ I met others which I think is super cool!! and I said to myself, I'm going to enjoy doing vet for 5 years is because of them...

the only thing i enjoyed was the LDK... we must do a show and present it in front of Vice Chancellor. It was a moment of glory, we practiced modern dancing day and night the result is, we're close together. Even though we did not win any category, the bonds created is more than anything I get during the night...

Sem 1 : Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine, UMK

My pride.. love it :)

To be honest, vet is not something that easy to's hard..First time learning anatomy is like learning while chasing with tiger. The rest was difficult too. I thought of not seeing math after leaving matriculation but I was wrong, the biggest enemy comes with 4 credits!! statistic eeeeee!!! Tormented..

Anatomy: Prof Dr Mujdtahid Djojosugito and Dr Rochman Naim

Prof Mjojo is the best lecturer!!! He comes from University of GajahMada Indonesia and came to UMK temporarily doing research and teaches FASA and VET faculty. He is like a father to us and I admired him so much!! We love to see him doing abduction,adduction and spastic-act hahahahaahahahhaha..cute ^^.He is a man that has an ability to teach. At the end of August, he had to leave us because his contract with UMK is officially over. We made a farewell party wishing him goodluck and hopefully the bond that tightened us will grow strong for he is always in our mind.... this is for him..

To Prof with love

Those anatomy days,of animal tales and confusion are gone
But in my mind,
I know they will still live on and on
But how do you thank someone, who has taken you from pencil to scalpel??
It isn't easy but I'll try

If you wanted the sky I would write across the sky in letters
That would soar a thousand feet high
To Prof, with love

The time has come,
For closing books and long last looks must end
and as you leave,
I know that I am leaving my best friend
A friend who taught me right from wrong
And weak from strong
That's a lot to learn
What can I give you in return??

If you wanted the moon I would try to make a start
But I would rather you let me give my heart
To Prof, with love...

we miss you!!


His subject was taken over by Dr Rochman Naim, another veterinarian from Indonesia, He taught us throghout the sem and cool too..Kambing lab was always be a challenge for us..dealing with 1-month-dead goat and we are immune with the smell!! huhuhu

Dr Rochman and students..

Avian Lab with Dr Zeha, Dr Mira and Dr Shira

Dr Luqman and Dr Akmal

Dr Shakira, Dr Asma and Dr Ainnul :)

Dr Azam helping out..

vet girls..

ok, i know i looked scary,, hehehe
mcm dalam cite apocalypto

Dr Alireza Bidaie-Intro vet
Prof Imad-Physiology 1
En. Ariezal-english ( love love love his class!!! ) XD
Dr Azam Khan-Genetics..hhuhuhuhuhu best...he's a cool, crazy, motivator, fussy vet!!! listening to him makes you feel like anything is POSSIBLE in this world!

I am his menteee!!

The first 4 months of being a vet student is fun and extremely hectic. We went to JPV to see the small animal surgery and this is first time in my life i see cat's spaying and castration. Pretty cool!
cat spaying


with Dr Siti

me with castration cat ^^

I want to be a VET!! weeee~

As time goes by, sem 1 is over...couple of things I met is sometimes happy, sometimes sad..I rather not talk about that, cos remember it makes my heart churns..anyway, I am happy to be what I am now, despite everything had happened to me for the past 6 months has been spices in my dishes..I tasted sweet, sour, bitter, and those makes me feel like I am a good cook!! I may not be perfect, but I'm trying to be a better person.Sometimes, we cant satisfy all people around us and let it be..I still feel the bitterness and I know time will heal everything...Allah is always there with me and He dont give anything I want, he just give what he thinks i need.. Let it remain a piece of memory in my cerebrum.Alhamdulillah, I am happy now..Everything happened for a reason..we just have to find it..(hikmah) I had found mine, hopefully I will never fall into the same mistakes again :)) InsyaALLAH..

Time will heal everything :)

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